Friday, 2 August 2013

Customized Fat Loss Review - Excessive Intensity

REDUNDANT INTENSITY – It is very interesting and a common cause of stagnation.

The fact that the body has a certain ability to "digest" the workout stress safely; customized this is a load with which your system is able to safely handle it and what happens if you exceed this load?

Your body can not cope! Incorporate emergency life-saving mechanisms (slow metabolism, a surge of cortisol and other stress hormones above normal, degraded, falling labor, etc.), you will slide down to the plateau, customized fat and then a state of over training.

In practice, fat loss customized most often they are driving themselves into such a state or large volumes of load (number of approaches in training), or by the principle of INTENSITY (forced, negative, and Huge drop sets), which are well-read in glossy magazines.

TREATMENT: REST + reduction in the intensity (the amount of work and principles of the increase).

The fact that training is the essence of bodybuilding, i.e. we train you MUSCULAR PERFORMANCE unlike POWER (power lifting) or endurance with cross fit.

We teach the muscles to show force approach for the approach. And the more our muscles, review fat loss the more approaches we can overcome.

BUT adaptation to such stress should be gradual for many years. If you take the right training scheme Arnold, I assure you, after a couple of weeks you'll in over training, customized fat loss because your muscles diet food are not adapted to such excessive stress.

In order to eliminate the plateau is almost always necessary to solve issue of LOAD.

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